Monday, June 22, 2020

CATALYST Summer Literacy and Leadership Academy 2020 (Virtual Online)

CATALYST has offered a 6-week academy during the summers for several years. Historically, the programs were at several Volusia schools and they included field trips. Some things have changes in 2020: the sessions are virtual over the Internet, and there are no field trips. But, learning, leadership, literacy and personal growth must go on. It is more important now than ever.
Background. Education research supports that student-centered learning must be engaging, socially-culturally relevant and dynamic for youth to learn and retain information. Developmental research show that extending the learning opportunities into the summer result in far better performance and retention.  Since there is less emphasis on the social and emotional development of children by schools and parents there is a need for youth programs to include self-development, employment readiness and leadership skills.
Solution. The Summer Academy is student-centered summer program designed for 50 children in 5th through 9th grades. Schedule is daily for 6-weeks (weekdays from 8a.m. to 2:30 p.m.).  The Academy is designed to improve literacy (the current literacy in Volusia County is 60%), writing, speaking skills and self- development. The program is fast paced, fun and engaging.  It was initially designed for underserved, under-achieving, student populations: African-Americans, Latinos and the poor; however, it benefits all youth.  The program uses culturally, historically and socially relevant books.  The students create illustrations, songs, dances, prose, write speeches and dramatizations based on lessons; and they lead discussions relevant to their readings and experiences.  All the books read are provided to the students to take home, so students will each receive 6 books by the end of the Academy. There is no charge for the academy.
The self- development and leadership component of the academy comprises of daily seminars, demonstrations and activities provided by speakers from various trades and industries (colleges/construction/technology/entrepreneurs/energy/hospitality/manufacturing). Students will hear from community leaders, motivational speakers and professionals. The program is designed to enhance self-esteem, confidence, communication skills, conflict resolution skills, self-control, community engagement, critical thinking and career choice (just to mention a few things).  In addition, there are daily STEM instruction/activities, conversational Spanish, wellness and health and fitness activities. This is fast-paced, dynamic and experiential learning program. This is the only Summer Leadership Academy of this type in Volusia County.
Fortunately, this program is in the fourth year. This year the Academy will be completely virtual.
Target Audience: Age 10-14 (Grades 5 to 9)
Dates:  Monday June 15, 2020 through Friday July 24, 2020 (excluding July 3rd)

Note: Even if the 6-week program has started, check to see if there is still space available. Each week is a new book and a new program.
Times:  Monday - Friday 9:00am to 2:30pm.
Price: FREE to students. (Thanks for sponsors and many volunteers!)
Geographic Area: Volusia County, Florida (virtual program in Summer 2020.)
Web site: (Application information)

Literacy & Leadership (L&L) Mission: To enhance literacy skills and experiential learning of youths and to develop leadership skills with an appreciation for community.

Fitness Challenges, Self-Development, Creative Writing, Creative Projects, Rap/Animation/Videos, Digital Literacy, Self-Directed Math, Coding, STEM, Social Impact, Debates, Conversational Spanish, Virtual Tours
Awesssssome Speakers and Demonstrations.
The EPIC Pod cast of The CATALYST Channel.
Get the edge on others who are not doing anything for the summer.
Leaders are readers, and
Scholars make Dollar$!

Dream BIG! Work Hard! No Excuses!

#CATALYSTMentoring #CATALYSTLeadershipAcademy #Mentoring4Greatness #LeadersAreReaders #DreamBIG #LeadBIG

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